Friday, February 22, 2013

So true!

I can wish as much as I want, and believe me I do! I never stop wishing, dreaming and hoping for miracles! It's in my DNA to always have hope.

I am an incurable optimist and I like me that way. My goals and dreams manifest easily and effortlessly because I program my beliefs that way. I surround myself with images and positive people and my own journey isn't easier than anyone else's, I just don't give up.

You will get to wherever your mind focuses your attention and I have to thank every person, every situation and every moment that has shaped my life and continues to mold me into the person I am becoming.

I will never stop changing, learning and achieving my goals and dreams! Our journeys are never one giant step, just a first step followed by a million more.

You are never alone, and I will cheer for your success always! I know you are cheering for mine.

Sending love always <3



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