Sunday, March 3, 2013

Green thumbs at the ready!!!

My body has not worked out as hard as a day of gardening. Seriously, a two hour marathon run has nothing on this, or a two hour weight lifting set.

I thought I was in great in shape to handle some easy landscaping, but was quickly humbled after a few swings of a pick axe.

Grass is tougher than you think! Soft and fluffy under your feet and you may think, slightly fragile with its bald spotted brown patchy areas. Oh no!

I admit, it has been a while since I last dug up the yard and an area thats about ten feet wide by twenty feet long didn't seem like a big deal, I was huffing and puffing and out of breath after a few minutes of grass chopping.

I felt like I was cutting down a giant mango tree by the effort I was putting in. Grass is thick and everywhere. To get to the underlying dirt, I had to cut away the top layer of grass.

I would like to blame the heavy pick axe that has a cutting flat edge of only 6". That may have been my first problem, improper tools.

I'm not a gardener and since I had broken my shovel and the axe seemed to cut thru the grass with every blow, it seemed the right tool. It was just heavy, and slow work.

I had big gaping holes in the yard and thought I could just fill it in, but I hadn't gotten enough dirt. Even though my car was filled and this had been my second trip of getting dirt.

Plus after adding this different compost mixture, my soft and hard sand in my yard, plus grass was all lumpy (technical gardenering term) and I needed to level it out.

Thus the pick axe and sore muscles, a few tears, and three pounds lost! Seriously it should be more like twenty, I cried a lot!

It's the morning after, my body is in pain, I will let it heal and get lits if rest. Landscaping project, to be weekend ;)



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