Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Kids may not think this is funny

The other day my son asked me to pick him up from school. I said sure. He usually will ride his bike, but this morning he didn't want to. He often is lazy in the morning and asks me to pick him up and I say, "What was the point of getting you a bike, if you aren't going to ride it?" If he dares reply anything but ok, I have a long lecture that follows, but he knows better now.

So in the afternoon, I showed up and was waiting for him at the school exit. He looked past me and at the long row of cars trying to find mine. I watched him walk back to a bench, where he pulled out his phone to call me. I started walking toward him and answered his call, "Hello?" He hung up, as I was now standing in front of him and asked, "Where is the car?" I said, "What car?"

I was wearing my favorite walking shoes and carrying my bottle of water, he looked at me and groaned. I said, "I'm here to pick you up." He didn't smile, but I was laughing. The happy endorphins were already flowing in my brain from the short walk from our house, I was in such a good mood.

Seriously, he is eleven years old and should be in better shape than me to walk the short distance home. I used to love walking home after school, he's just lucky his dad is nice enough to drive him in the morning when he is tired. It's more about making sure he gets to school on time, as I don't trust that he would walk at a snails pace and miss as much school time as he could get away with.

My other son, has no problem staying active, such different personalities. Except my younger son used to be incredibly organized and neat my older son would happily live in a mess if I wouldn't nag him to clean his room, or their bathroom, and I could only hope they may give the dog a bath at least once a year.

Someday, I hope they find beautiful, and highly organized girls, who can cook, clean, and take care of them. I'm trying to teach them these skills, but I feel like I'm running out of time as they seem to be lazy learners.

Ugh, I need a mom to teenage boy translator. Someone make it soon! They do keep me up to date with the latest lingo, I guess. My youngest has defined me as a hipster and his dad as just old. I laugh, that's kind of funny.

Happy Thoughts for your day. School will be out soon, it's time for a walk ;-) lol


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